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How to Setup AOL Account with Outlook

You can Configure AOL EMail Account in MS Outlook 2007. You can send and Receive  Email using MS Outlook. You can use IMAP or POP to Configure your AOL Mail Account in MS Outlook.

IMAP (Internet message access Protocol ) – It is a Email service Protocol used to receive mail from Email Server. Its keep your All Email on Email Server as well as Local Computer.

POP3(Post Office Protocol)- It is also a Email Service Protocol used to Receive Email from Email Server. when you received your Email on your Local Computer then Email will be delete from Email Server.

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007

1.  Open MS Outlook 2007 .

2. Now Click on Tools Menu , and then Click on Account Setting .

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
3.  Now Select E-mail tab, and then click on New.. .

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
4. Now Select Maually Configure server setting or additional server types check box  and thenNext .

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
5. Now Select Internet E-mail radio button  and then click on Next.

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
6. Now Put Your name and AOL Email ID in User Information section, then In Server Information Choose POP3 or IMAP.
If you  Select POP3 then Type Incoming mail Server
If You select IMAP then Type Incoming mail Server

Then Type in Outgoing mail Server , then Put User name and Password in Log on Information Section . and then Click on More Setting .

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
7.  Now Click on Outgoing Server Tab , then Click on My Outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and then Select Use same setting as my incoming mail server. 

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
8. Now Click on Advance tab, then type 587 in Outgoing server (SMTP) :  and then Click OK.

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007
9. Now Click on Next and then Click on Finish.

10. Now You will see that your AOL Email Account has been Configure. Click on Close. and then Use AOL Email Account on MS Outlook 2007.

 Configure AOL E-Mail Account in MS Outlook 2007


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